

Computer Science
July 26, 2023

Red Hat Certified Engineer

Duration: 4Hrs Total Marks: 300
  • All node root password is 'redhat' and Ansible control node user name is student.
  • Create a directory 'ansible' under the path /home/student and all the playbook should be under /home/student/ansible.
  • All playbook should be owned/executed by student and Ansible managed node user name is devops.
  • Ansible control node user password is student
  • Unless advised password should be 'redhat' for all users
Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 is utility.lab.example.com Cridentials are admin, redhat
Note: In Exam, If they not given the Managed node user use the control node user as remote user

Example Practice Questions

Install and Configure Ansible on the control node

Install the required packages. Create a static inventory file called /home/student/ansible/inventory as follows: -- servera.lab.example.com is a member of the dev host group -- serverb.lab.example.com is a member of the test host group -- serverc.lab.example.com is a member of the prod host group -- serverd.lab.example.com is a member of the balancers host group -- The prod group is a member of the webservers host group Create a configuration file called ansible.cfg as follows: -- The host inventory file /home/student/ansible/inventory is defined -- The location of roles used in playbooks is defined as /home/student/ansible/roles -- The location of collections used in playbooks is defined as /home/student/ansible/collections
sudo yum install ansible ansible-navigator tree vim -y #Install the ansible podman login utitlity.lab.example.com #Logging in to the podman services vim /home/student/.vimrc #Making vim more powerful and customize for YAML set ai ts=2 et cursorcolumn source /home/student/.vimrc #Applying the changes to vim mkdir /home/student/ansible cd /home/student/ansible vim inventory #Setup hosts [dev] servera.lab.example.com [test] serverb.lab.example.com [prod] serverc.lab.example.com [balancers] serverd.lab.example.com [webservers:children] prod vim ansible.cfg #Setup ansible configuration [defaults] remote_user=devops inventory=/home/student/ansible/inventory roles_path=/home/student/ansible/collections collections_path=/home/student/ansible/roles [privilege_escalation] become=true ansible all -m command -a "id" #Verify (you should get the root user as output)

Create a playbook adhoc.yml for configuring the repository in all nodes

i) Name = baseos Description = Baseos Description Url = http://content/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS GPG is enabled. Gpgkey = http://content.example.com/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release Repository is enabled.
ii) Name = appstream Description = App Description Url = http://content/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/AppStream GPG is enabled. Gpgkey = http://content.example.com/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release Repository is enabled.
vim adhoc.yml --- - name: Configure yum base and app repolist hosts: all tasks: - name: Create the BaseOS repo ansible.builtin.yum_repository: name: "baseos" description: "Baseos Description" baseurl: http://content/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS gpgcheck:yes gpg_key:http://content.example.com/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release enabled:yes - name: Create the Appstream repo ansible.builtin.yum_repository: name: "appstream" description: "App Description" baseurl:http://content/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/AppStream gpgcheck:yes gpg_key:http://content.example.com/rhel9.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release enabled:yes ansible-navigator run adhoc.yml -m stdout #Run the playbook ansible all -m command -a "yum repolist all" #Verify

Installing the Collection

i) Create a directory "collections" under the /home/student/ansible. ii) Using the url 'http://content/Rhce/ansible-posix-1.4.0.tar.gz' to install the ansible.posix collection under collection directory. iii) Using the url 'http://content/Rhce/redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.0.0.tar.gz' to install the system roles collection under collection directory.
mkdir /home/student/ansible/collections ansible-galaxy collection install http://content/Rhce/ansible-posix-1.4.0.tar.gz -p collections ansible-galaxy collection install http://content/Rhce/redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.0.0.tar.gz -p collections ls collections/ansible_collections #verify ansible-navigator collections #verify

Installing the roles

i) Create a directory 'roles' under /home/student/ansible ii) Create a playbook called requirements.yml under the roles directory and download the given roles under the 'roles' directory using galaxy command under it. iii) Role name should be balancer and download using this url http://content.example.com/Rhce/balancer.tgz. iv) Role name phpinfo and download using this url http://content.example.com/Rhce/phpinfo.tgz.
mkdir /home/student/ansible/roles vim /home/student/ansible/roles/requirements.yml --- - src: http://content.example.com/Rhce/balancer.tgz name: balancer - src: http://content.example.com/Rhce/phpinfo.tgz name: phpinfo ansible-galaxy install -r /home/student/ansible/roles/requirements.yml -p /home/student/ansible/roles

Create offline role named apache under roles directory

i) Install httpd package and the service should be start and enable the httpd service. ii) Host the web page using the template.j2 iii) The template.j2 should contain My host is HOSTNAME on IPADDRESS Where HOSTNAME is fully qualified domain name. iv) Create a playbook named apache_role.yml and run the role in dev group.
ansible-galaxy init /home/student/ansible/roles/apache vim /home/student/ansible/roles/apache/template/template.j2 My host is {{ansible_fqdn}} on {{ansible_default_ipv4.address}} vim /home/student/ansible/roles/apache/tasks/main.yml --- - name: Install Packages ansible.builtin.dnf: name: - httpd - firewalld state: present - name: Start HTTPD service ansible.builtin.service: name: httpd state: started enabled: yes - name: Start Firewall Service ansible.builtin.service: name: firewalld state: started enabled: yes - name: Add HTTPD to firewall ansible.posix.firewalld: service: httpd state: enabled permanent: yes immediate: yes - name: Copy template content to web server directory ansible.builtin.template: src: template.j2 dest: /var/www/html/index.html vim /home/student/ansible/apache_role.yml --- - name: Start the apache server hosts: dev roles: - apache ansible-navigator run apache_role.yml -m stdout curl http://servera.lab.example.com #verify

Create a playbook called roles.yml and it should run balancer and phpinfo roles.

i) Run the balancer role on balancers group. ii) Run the phpinfo role on webservers group.
phpinfo output:
Access the url http://serverd.lab.example.com and you can see the content "Welcome to Advpro".
vim roles.yml --- - name: Run phpinfo role hosts: webservers roles: - phpinfo - name: Run balancer role hosts: balancers roles: - balancer #Note: (Do not change the above roles order) ansible-navigator run roles.yml -m stdout

Create a playbook name timesync.yml and use system roles

i) Use ntp server and enable iburst. ii) Run this playbook on all the managed nodes.
cp -rvf /home/student/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/redhat/rhel_system_roles/roles/* /home/student/ansible/roles/ vim timesync.yml --- - name: Using the NTP server for timesync hosts: all vars: timesync_ntp_servers: - hostname: iburst: yes roles: - timesync ansible servera.lab.example.com -m command -a 'cat /etc/chrony.conf' #pre-verify ansible-navigator run timesync.yml -m stdout ansible servera.lab.example.com -m command -a 'cat /etc/chrony.conf' #post-verify

Create a playbook name selinux.yml and use system roles

i) Set selinux mode as enforcing in all manage node
cp -rvf /home/student/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/redhat/rhel_system_roles/roles/* /home/student/ansible/roles/ vim selinux.yml --- - name: Configure SELinux as enforcing hosts: all vars: - selinux_state: enforcing roles: - selinux ansible-navigator run selinux.yml -m stdout ansible all -m command -a 'cat /etc/selinux/config' #verify

Install packages in multiple group

i) Install vsftpd and mariadb-server packages in dev and test group. ii) Install "RPM Development Tools" group package in prod group. iii) Update all packages in dev group. iv) Use separate play for each task and playbook name should be packages.yml.
vim packages.yml --- - name: Install packages hosts: dev, test tasks: - name: Install required packages ansible.builtin.dnf: name: - vsftpd - mariadb-server state: present - name: RPM Dev tools hosts: prod tasks: - name: Install RPM Dev tool in prod ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '@RPM Development Tools' #(in exam @RPM Development Tools) state: present - name: Update packages hosts: dev tasks: - name: Update packages ansible.builtin.dnf: name: '*' state: latest ansible-navigator run packages.yml -m stdout ansible dev -m command -a 'yum list installed | grep vsftpd' #Verify ansible prod -m command -a 'yum group list' #Verify

Create a playbook webcontent.yml and it should run on dev group

i) Create a directory /devweb and it should be owned by devops group. ii) /devweb directory should have context type as "httpd" iii) Assign the permission for user=rwx,group=rwx,others=rx and group special permission should be applied to /devweb. iv) Create an index.html file under /devweb directory and the file should have the content "Developement". v) Link the /devweb directory to /var/www/html/devweb.
vim webcontent.yml --- - name: Webserver contetn fix hosts: dev tasks: - name: Create the folder ansible.builtin.file: path: /devweb state: directory group: devops mode: '02775' setype: httpd_sys_content_t - name: Cerate the file ansible.builtin.file: path: /devweb/index.html state: touch - name: Write content to file ansible.builtin.copy content: "Development\n" dest: /devweb/index.html - name: Link the file ansible.builtin.file: src: /devweb dest: /var/www/html/devweb state: link ansible-navigator run webcontent.yml -m stdout curl http://servera.lab.example.com/devweb #verify

Collect hardware report using playbook in all nodes

i) Download hwreport.txt from the url http://content.example.com/Rhce/hwreport.txt and save it under /root.
/root/hwreport.txt should have the content with node informations as key=value. #hwreport HOSTNAME= MEMORY= BIOS= CPU= DISK_SIZE_VDA= DISK_SIZE_VDB=
ii) If there is no information it have to show "NONE". iii) playbook name should be hwreport.yml.
Note: Copy the url "http://content.example.com/Rhce/hwreport.txt" and paste that on new tab and verify the content in it.
ansible all -m command -a 'lsblk' vim hwreports.yml --- - name: Cerate report of all nodes hosts: all ignore_errors: yes tasks: - name: Download the content ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "http://content.example.com/Rhce/hwreport.txt" dest: /root/hwreport.txt - name: Make the facts ansible.builtin.set_fact: HOSTNAME="{{ansible_hostname}}" MEMORY="{{ansible_memtotal_mb}}" BIOS="{{ansible_bios_version}}" CPU="{{ansible_processor}}" DISK_SIZE_VDA="{{ansible_devices['vda']['size']}}" - name: Get the second fact ansible.builtin.set_fact: DISK_SIZE_VDB="{{ansible_devices['vdb']['size']}}" - name: Copy the content to managed nodes ansible.builtin.copy: content: | #hwreports HOSTNAME= {{HOSTNAME | default('NONE')}} MEMORY= {{MEMORY | default('NONE')}} BIOS= {{BIOS | default('NONE')}} CPU= {{CPU | default('NONE')}} DISK_SIZE_VDA= {{DISK_SIZE_VDA | default('NONE')}} DISK_SIZE_VDB= {{DISK_SIZE_VDB | default('NONE')}} dest: /root/hwreport.txt ansible-navigator run hwreports.yml -m stdout ansible all -m command -a 'cat /root/hwreports.txt' #Verify

Replace the file /etc/issue on all managed nodes

i) In dev group /etc/issue should have the content "Developement". ii) In test group /etc/issue should have the content "Test". iii) In prod group /etc/issue should have the content "Production". iv) Playbook name issue.yml and run in all managed nodes.
vim issue.yml --- - name: Change issue files hosts: all tasks: - name: Development group ansible.builtin.copy: content:Development dest: /etc/issue when: inventory_hostname in groups['dev'] - name: Test group ansible.builtin.copy: content: Test dest: /etc/issue when: inventory_hostname in groups['test'] - name: Prod group ansible.builtin.copy: content: "Production" dest: /etc/issue when: inventory_hostname in groups['prod'] ansible-navigator run issue.yml --diff -m stdout ansible all -m command -a 'cat /etc/issue' #Verify

Download the file http://content.example.com/Rhce/myhosts.j2.

i) myhosts.j2 is having the content. localhost.localdomain localhost localhost.localdomain localhost
ii) The file should collect all node information like ipaddress,fqdn,hostname and it should be the same as in the /etc/hosts file, if playbook run in all the managed node it must store in /etc/myhosts.
Finally /etc/myhosts file should contains like. localhost.localdomain localhost localhost.localdomain localhost servera.lab.example.com servera serverb.lab.example.com serverb serverc.lab.example.com serverc serverd.lab.example.com server
iii) playbook name hosts.yml and run in dev group.
wget http://content.example.com/Rhce/myhosts.j2 vim /home/student/ansible/myhosts.j2 #Add the lines at last {% for host in groups['all']} {{hostvars[host] ['ansible_facts'] ['default_ipv4'] ['address']}} {{hostvars[host] ['ansible_facts'] ['fqdn']}} {{hostvars[host] ['ansible_facts'] ['hostname']}} {% endfor %} vim hosts.yml --- - name: Create hosts file hosts: all tasks: - name: Copy inforamtion to file ansible.builtin.tamplate: src: myhosts.j2 dest: /etc/myhosts when: inventory_hostname in groups['dev'] ansible-navigator run hosts.yml -m stdout ansible dev -m command -a 'cat /etc/hosts' #Verify

Create a variable file vault.yml and that file should contains the variable and its value

pw_developer is value lamdev pw_manager is value lammgr
i) vault.yml file should be encrpted using the password "P@sswOrd". ii) Store the password in secret.txt file and which is used for encrypt the variable file.
vim sercret.txt P@sswOrd ansible-vault create vault.yml --vault-password-file=secret.txt pw_developer: lamdev pw_manager: lammgr ansible vault view vault.yml --vault-password-file=secret.txt #Verify

Download the variable file http://content.example.com/Rhce/user_list.yml and Playbook name users.yml and run in all nodes using two variable files user_list.yml and vault.yml

i) * Create a group opsdev * Create user from users variable who's job is equal to developer and need to be in opsdev group * Assign a password using SHA512 format and run the playbook on dev and test. * User password is {{ pw_developer }} ii) * Create a group opsmgr * Create user from users variable who's job is equal to manager and need to be in opsmgr group * Assign a password using SHA512 format and run the playbook on test. * User password is {{ pw_manager }} iii)* Use when condition for each play.
wget http://content.example.com/Rhce/user_list.yml vim users.yml --- - name: Create groups and add users hosts: all vars_files: - user_list.yml - vault.yml tasks: - name: Create group 1 ansible.builtin.group: name:opsdev state:present when: inventory_hostname in groups['dev'] or inventory_hostname in groups['test'] - name: Create group 2 ansible.builtin.group: name: opsmgr state: present when: inventory_hostname in groups['test'] - name: Create users 1 ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{item.name}}" uid: "{{item.uid}}" password: "{{pw_developer | password_hash('sha512')}}" password_expire_max: "{{item.password_expire_days}}" groups: opsdev state: present loop: "{{users}}" when: item.job == "developer" and (inventory_hostname in groups['dev'] or inventory_hostname in groups['test']) - name: Create user 2 ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{item.name}}" uid: "{{item.uid}}" password: "{{ pw_manager | password_hash('sha512')}}" password_expire_max: "{{item.password_expire_days}}" groups: opsdev state: present loop: "{{users}}" when: item.job == "manager" and inventory_hostname in groups['test'] ansible-navigator run users.yml --vault-password-file= secret.txt -m stdout ansible dev -m command -a 'tail /etc/group' #Verify ansible test -m comamnd -a 'tail /etc/group' #verify

Rekey the variable file from http://content.example.com/Rhce/solaris.yml.

i) Old password: cisco ii) New password: redhat
wget http://content/Rhce/solaris.yml ansible-vault rekey solaris.yml Old password: New password: Confirm new password:

Create a cronjob for user student in all nodes, the playbook name crontab.yml and the job details are below

i) Every 2 minutes the job will execute logger "EX294 in progress”
vim crontab.yml --- - name: Create the cronjob hosts: all tasks: - name: Cronjob for logger ansible.builtin.cron: name: Logger user: student minute: '*/2' job: logger "EX294 in progress" state: present ansible-navigator run crontab.yml -m stdout ansible all -m command -a 'ls /var/spool/cron/" ansible all -m command -a 'crontab -lu student'

Create a logical volume named data of 1500M size from the volume group research and if 1500M size is not created, then atleast it should create 800M size.

i) Verify if vg not exist, then it should debug msg "vg not found" . ii) 1500M lv size is not created, then it should debug msg "Insufficient size of vg" . iii) If Logical volume is created, then assign file system as "ext3" . iv) Do not perform any mounting for this LV. iv) The playbook name lvm.yml and run the playbook in all nodes.
#Not for Exam# To create volume group "research" wget http://content/Rhce/initialscripts.sh chmod +x initialscripts.sh sh initialscripts.sh
vim lvm.yml --- - name: Create LVM hosts: all ignore_errors: yes tasks: - name: Check Volume group is present ansible.builtin.commad: 'vgdisplay research' register: vginfo - name: Error if VG not present ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "VG not found" when: vginfo is failed - name: Create LVM in VG ansible.builtin.command: 'lvcreate -L 1500M -n data research' when: vginfo is success register: lv1 - name: Error if not created ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "Insufficient size of VG" when: lv1 is failed - name: Create smaller lv ansible.builtin.comamnd: 'lvcreate -L 800M -n data research' when: lv1 is failed - name: Assign filesystem ansible.builtin.command: 'mkfs.ext4 /dev/research/data' ansible-navigator run lvm.yml -m stdout ansible all -m command -a 'lsblk' #verify ansible all -m command -a 'lsblk -fp' #verify